Young Women's 1st Retreat - 07/10/14

The women's retreat turned out to be pretty awesome! We weren't too sure what it would be like at first, but overall we are glad we went. Getting deeper into our faith was one of the things we addressed. However, the biggest impact that the women's retreat had on us, would have to be how us women could help out in the church. Even the "One on One" Bishop time with Bishop Gregory was amazing! We talked about "X" and "Y" chromosomes and how the women are FAR MORE SUPERIOR than the men and are the staple of the not only the family but the church, and the world today.  

During the course of our retreat we visited the Brethren Community Retirement Home, in Winber, where we made bird feeders with the residents, visited the House of Miracles, where a family of (4) prepared us lunch while we learned of all of the many miracles and blessings their family and visitors of this home had experienced.  The stories were life changing and really touched our hearts.  It was a cool experience. (Complete story will be printed and downstairs with Ashley if you'd like to talk more about it).  We also got to meet an iconographer, Cheryl Pituch. That was definitely Kristen's favorite part. Did you know that she has to pray the whole time while making an icon? Sometimes she said she made her own boards from scratch. It was truly a humbling experience to see how much dedication and effort goes into every detail of the painting.  When we arrived back at the church, we had a cookout with the altar boys, then made wood-burned icons and learned how to make prayer ropes.

Bonding with all of the girls there made it worth the while as well. So, we do encourage every young woman in our church to show up next year. Pani Marianna and Pani Eleni were amazing directors and made it a once in a life time experience. I can promise you that you'll have an amazing time learning more about our roll in the church and will a blast. We know that we are going back next year, come join us!

Kristen & Ashley McNeil