St. Thomas the Apostle
Orthodox Church
Waldorf, MD

Sunday February 2, 2025







Welcome to Saint Thomas the Apostle

Orthodox Christian Church!

We are a Christ-centered church who loves to have visitors, and you are welcome to visit or join us for a service anytime! All services are conducted in English. While our church was founded by immigrants from Slovakia, Poland and Western Ukraine, today we are comprised of peoples of all ethnic backgrounds, most of whom are American converts to the ancient Orthodox Christian faith.


If you have questions or would like to visit when there isn't a service, please use the email contact form on the bottom of this page to contact our priest, Very Reverend Fr. Joseph Edgington.

A Word From the Holy Fathers

In a great crowd, an immense mass of people rushing toward Christ, the leper appeared, not ashamed to display the pollution of his disease to all. And so, in front of all, he falls on the ground and cries: “Redeemer of all mortals, save me, the Lover of mankind, Savior and only Sinless One.”

Read the full context here...

- St. Romanos the Melodist, Kontakion O.8 On the Cleansing of the Leper




4419 Leonardtown Rd  Waldorf, MD  20601

(click for directions via Google Maps)



Click to read our church bulletins

Services & Announcements
Upcoming Services
Saturday, February 8
4:30pm Confession
5:00pm Great Vespers
Sunday, February 9
8:45am Matins/Orthros
9:30am Sunday School
10:00am Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, February 12
6:30pm Lay Vespers
Saturday, February 15
4:30pm Confession
5:00pm Great Vespers
Sunday, February 16
8:45am Matins/Orthros
9:30am Sunday School
10:00am Divine Liturgy



  • On the 5th of February, in the Year of Our Lord 2024, His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory elevated the priest of St. Thomas the Apostle Orthodox Church in Waldorf, MD to the rank of Economos (οἰκονόμος) which means “Steward”, with the added title of “Very Reverend Father Joseph”. With this elevation, he was presented with the epigonation (Greek: ἐπιγονάτιον, literally meaning "over the knee"), or palitza (Russian: палица, "club"), is a diamond-shaped vestment worn on the right side by priests and bishops.
    In the Byzantine tradition, the epigonation is awarded to a priest upon his elevation to exomologos (confessor) or the rank of οικονόμος. In the Russian tradition, it is an award given after many years of service. Though a Russian Palitza is identical in shape, and is obviously related to the Greek epigonation, the most literal Slavonic translation for epigonation is actually "Nabedrennik", which is another vestment, rectangular in shape, which no longer exists in non-Slavic usage.
    It represents a shield, originating from the thigh shield worn by soldiers during the days of the early church. The epigonation holds a dual meaning. First, it denotes the celebrant as a "soldier" of Christ. Second, it symbolizes the Word of God, fighting the wiles of the enemy. In historical use it was a purse, representing the finances of the Church.
    In the Church of the fourth century, the οἰκονόμος was an official responsible for managing ecclesiastical property, under the supervision of the bishop. He was chosen by clergy and laymen who had some experience with the law. In the medieval era, the οἰκονόμος was a trustee and steward of the items necessary for the orderly functioning of his church, or of his monastery (if he was a monk). In Constantinople, during the early period, an οἰκονόμος was a high official in the service of the Church and not necessarily himself in the clergy. At least one Ecumenical Patriarch, Kyriakos of Constantinople (595–606), served as οἰκονόμος and treasurer of the Great Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople prior to his election to the patriarchal throne.
    Today this is an honorary title to be awarded to presbyters by the bishop for exceptional service to the Church. For their 21 years of faithful service to the parish of St. Thomas, may the Lord our God grant to His servant, the Very Reverend Father Joseph and Pani Elizabeth many blessed years!

  • Become a Distinguished Diocesan Donor:
    We would like to invite you to become a Distinguished Diocesan Donor. Help us to edify Christ by building up The American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese ministries and apostolates through the Distinguished Diocesan Donors Program. We invite you to view the brochure.

    For more information and to donate, please go to the Diocesan Donor website

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